"He should be bold in his aspiration, firm in his resolve, and not swayed from his goal by the blame of the blamers or the discouragment of the dicouragers. He should be generally tranquil, constantly in thought, and not be moved by the sweetness of a compliment or the pain of criticism." - Ibn al-Qayyim
-I wrap myself in a badge of honor, a shield of modesty, a uniform of a mu'min, a flag of Islam. I wrap myself in love, because love for Allah is why I wrap ♥. As a muslim, I've been liberated from a silent bondage. I don't answer to the slaves of God on Earth, I answer to their King.
"Truly in the heart there is a void that can not be removed except with the company of Allah. And in it there is a sadness that can not be removed except with the happiness of knowing Allah and being true to Him. And in it there is an emptiness that can not be filled except with love for Him and by turning to Him and always remembering Him. And if a person were given all of the world and what is in it, it would not fill this emptiness." - Ibn al-Qayyim
Eid Mubarak Sis .. :)
'Eid Mubarak to the both of you :)
Eid Mubarak to you too although it came late.. Don't forget to fast 6 days from shawwal
Eid Mubarak (although late)!
Here's wishing you and family, Eid Mubarak! Better late than never. :)
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,
Just dropped by to see how things are at your end. I pray you had a wonderful Ramadaan and Eid. :D
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
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